So the most recent M. Night Shyamalans film has arrived. If you just can't help yourself, here is it's synopsis, straight from 4chan.
- David/Unbreakable is fighting crime with his son Joseph's help.
- Learns that Kevin/The Beast kidnapped a bunch of cheerleaders and tracks him down.
- They fight in an abandoned warehouse and end up being captured by the police.
- David and Kevin are locked up in an insane asylum alongside Elijah/Mr. Glass.
- Sarah Paulson plays a psychiatrist who attempts to convince them they're not superhuman.
- Casey begins visiting Kevin, who develops a weakness for her. When she's around the Beast loses power.
- Elijah convinces the Beast into joining forces with him to reveal to the world who they are.
- They break out and the Beast fights the police outside while Elijah watches from afar.
- David breaks out and fights the Beast again.
- Beast gains the upper hand and nearly kills him when Joseph shows up and reveals Elijah caused the train derailment that killed Kevin's father.
- It was Kevin's father's death that caused his mother to abuse Kevin, and led to Kevin developing split personalities.
- The Beast bear-hugs Elijah to death.
- Casey shows up and causes the Beast to go away. Kevin is then fatally shot by soldiers.
- Sarah Paulson shows up with soldiers and announces she's part of a secret society that has been suppressing superhumans for decades.
- The soldiers drown David, while Joseph and Casey escape, and erase all records of what happened there.
- Paulson later finds out Elijah anticipated that and hijacked the asylum's security cameras, recording the whole thing and sending it to Joseph, Casey and his mother.
- Joseph, Casey and Mrs. Price leak the video, revealing to the world that superhumans exist.
- Paulson has a breakdown as her life's work is undone.
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